
Feeling Sad

25 June 2021 Hai there, lama sungguh dah tak menulis. Byk sgt dah cerita yang saya tak disampaikan. Tapi tak mengapalah setiap perkara tu sudah pasti ada hikmahnya. As everyone already knows since 2020 the world facing the outbreak of a pandemic called covid-19. I started to work from home even my children homeschooling. Walaupon kita berada di rumah, namun masing2 membuat kerja masing. Yeah, I miss the good all days as I may call it now, where I can hang out with my officemate during breakfast, have lunch at the cafeteria and talks or laugh about many things happening in our office. When the clock shows 5pm, we off back to our home and take a rest till the next day. Compared to now, I don't even know my working hours because work is being done all the time. I started to be tired at first, so I seek rest, but then the problem is still the same and I started to have this headache. I did think that I am sick and I need to take medicine to cure it. later when my headache is gone, I be...

Cerpen terbengkalai

cerpen yang tak tahu bila nk disambung. thinking about a different ending though. bukan ending cerita sebenar. at Least boleh imagine how we could end up. berangan jela...harapan yg xmungkin jd kenyataan. khayalan semata2..... our true ending is the best for both of us. Allah s.w.t lebih mengetahui yg terbaik utk kita and family kita. -------------------- akma blogger 2010

Looking up..Looking Down

8.5.14 Thusday 9.13am Throughout this weekend...i have been such a moody person I don't talk at roomate which consist of 6 people don't even talk to me somehow i feel like i'm invisible to them... I know that they don't want to talk to me because i have been so grumpy But in some way i do feel alone...and just can't wait to be at home home is the only place that i feel in ease.... It just bring me to the memory during my school day where i feel abandon the same way that i feel right now People label me as someone weird .....they don't know that it HURTS Even my family members thinks me that way What a negative post today.....well akma... You know what.....forget about them.... i just remember a statement from a person i know he says to me...."Jgn ikut owesome and they will follow you" And i did a lone ranger......and they do follow me. Its back than during my university time What about now.....???...

April 2014

Salam.... Rasa lama sgt dah xwrite something at my blog banyak yg dah berlaku..... 1. I just have my second baby last september 2. My beloved father died last oktober 3. I'm pregnant with my third baby Third baby tuh xplan....memula tu mmg sesat juga fikir nak gugurkan je.... Syukur alhamdulilah...skrg i dah redha dgn kehadiran dia Semoga baby yg dlm kandungan ini dan juga zuriat2ku yg lain bakal memberi kebaikan kepada diri i and family ...and also memberi kebaikan kepada agamaMU ya Allah.... Every mother nak yg terbaik utk anak2 dia...... Nothing much to say now....hidup i sederhana sahaja Nak kata ada yg negetif kat tempat kerja....mmg ada Apa yg penting bukan apa yg berlaku di sekeliling kita Tapi bagaimana kita nak hadapinya.... Always be positif and it will not effect you light always make the darknest dissapear Walaupon kita jumpa kawasan yg gelap.....jika kita bawa cahaya bersama....ia akan menjadi terang hehehehehhehe.....tahu xkat mana i dapa...

Cloudy Mode

10 Jan 2013 8.10 am Sejak dua menjak ini...i feel so down, selalu rasa penat and tidak bermaya. Masuk kerja trus mood kelabu, I need to solve this but how? The other reason yang buat I rasa bertambah cloudy is my body weight. Hampir selalu sgt officemate tegur I dah makin gemuk. I need to lost another 10kg and it is not easy for me. Basicly there’s nothing positive story to tell…sbb itulah I dah jarang nak tulis @my blog…I just hope I can overcome my issues and be positive again….All the best Akma!! -------------------- akma blogger 2010

Jaga tepi kain sendiri je

Khamis  27 sept 2012 Today ada sesuatu situasi yang agak menganggu ketenteraman diriku People akan mudah label saya nie sibok hal orang. Tapi how am i not to be sibuk, kalo ada certain thing around me yang tak berapa memuaskan. It also make me wonder, salah ke nak ambil tahu pasal org bukanlah ambil tahu sampai personal stuff, but its relate to pekerjaan and menda yang ditinggalkan tanpa pengurusan yg sepatutnya. Or maybe they prefer if i tak kaco keje derang, and abaikan apa sahaja depan mata. Is that the right thing to do?nampak gayanya begitulah, People mmg xsuka kalo org lain kaco kerja dia. Tapi kalo ambil tahu untuk offer pertolongan atau untuk ditegur, adakah itu salah juga? To much question and less answer hehehehhee :P Later at the end, apa yg saya rasa is, as long menda tuh betul and niat u baik. teruskan lah adakala xsemua yg kita buat tuh org suka. Cuma perlu berhati-hati jangan sampai org terluka dengan kata-kata kita. -------------------...

Malu Bertanya Sesat Jalan?

13Sept 2012 Khamis Something to share mengenai diri saya hari ini, Selepas Meeting Jamuan Hari Raya Peringkat Kolej semalam tetiba ada kerja tambahan bagi AJK ku. Fuhh ..!! terasa bebanan saya tak berapa suka last minit or Adhoc jobs since jamuan itu esok. Tapi apa kan daya , dah makan gaji nak xnk terpaksa buat juga lah. Alhamdulilah tempahan hadiah utk cabutan bertuah selesai semalam,tp kena buat nombor untuk cabutan bertuah for student and staff pulak. Well...while i'm cutting almost 2400 sets of numbers, hati ni rasa panas and sakit sgt. "Kenapa xada org nak offer pertolongan?"  "Lohh dah ko xnk bertanya...mana ada yg nk tlg" Tapi..aku mmg jenis xreti nak mintak tlg because i can't stand the rejection. Aku nie penakut, kot2 kang aku mintak tlg org reject plak and provide excuses.Bagi aku, kalo betul org tuh nak tlg dia akan amik pendekatan utk offer pertolongan. betul x? Ntah la maybe i'm wrong...tapi kemudian...satu kesedaran telah munc...