Looking up..Looking Down

8.5.14 Thusday 9.13am

Throughout this weekend...i have been such a moody person
I don't talk at work...my roomate which consist of 6 people don't even talk to me
somehow i feel like i'm invisible to them...
I know that they don't want to talk to me because i have been so grumpy

But in some way i do feel alone...and just can't wait to be at home
home is the only place that i feel in ease....
It just bring me to the memory during my school day where i feel abandon
the same way that i feel right now
People label me as someone weird.....they don't know that it HURTS
Even my family members thinks me that way

What a negative post today.....well akma...
You know what.....forget about them....
i just remember a statement from a person i know
he says to me...."Jgn ikut derang.....be owesome and they will follow you"
And i did it.....as a lone ranger......and they do follow me.
Its back than during my university time

What about now.....??? Just perform your job....do what you need to do...and be good at it
Let them be as they want..and you be as you want...
If they choose to ignore you then be it......

Always look at someone that is below you...not above you
When you look at the person that is below you than you akan lebih rasa greaful
bersyukur dgn apa yang kita ada....and by looking at them we will feel we want to help them
give a bit that we have in order to help them
Kalo kita lihat kepada org yang lebih dari kita.....kita akan berfikir utk ditolong
Bukankah tgn yang memberi lebih baik dari tgn yang meminta....
Hopefully i can go through all this...with a bit of strength from Allah s.w.t
Insyallah.....you'll be in good hand....Wish me all the best. Doakan kebahagian saya...;)

-------------------- akma blogger 2010

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